The Subject Property is located in the south-western part of George, which is a predominantly agricultural area. Part of the area, which includes the Subject Property, is located outside the current urban edge. This is however an area that has been identified for future development and is identified as such by the new structure plan that is in the process of being drafted for approval. In the southern part of the area is Le Grand Golf Resort, an upmarket residential development on which the approvals and planning are to include a Greg Norman designed golf course. The Gwaing River traverses through the western part of the area and directly west thereof is the Oubaai Golf Estate. From our discussions with the Local Authority it seems that the key to approval for development in the area will be that it must be integrated. Development of the area in general is however viewed on the medium to long term. Services at this stage are still limited and will have to be upgraded. A new access road to the area is proposed as access is currently by dirt road. The Local Authority also indicated that the higher density developments will take place in the northern part of the area and become less dense further west and south, closer to the sea and the Gwaing River. The Subject Property is fairly rectangular in shape, except for the southern part, where approximately half of this boundary is formed by the Gwaing River and the other half by a stream. It has a fairly even surface with the southern part that slopes downwards towards the river. This part of the property is densely overgrown, while the remainder of the property (±⅔) can be regarded as arable land that was used for farming purposes in the past. The property is currently used for grazing of cattle. The property has sea, river and mountain views.

Important links to planning documents from the Authorities to demonstrate Development Potential

Spatial Development Plan